Search Engine Marketing

Are you ready to GROW with SEOCOM?

Gallina Blanca, FC Barcelona, ​​Banco Mediolanum, RACE, Catalana Occidente are just some examples of companies that we work with.

SEM agency leader in the market in Spain
Endorsed by more than 300 customers and Google Premier Partner.
We offer our own methodology to boost your business.
SEM agency leader in the market in Spain
Endorsed by more than 300 customers and Google Premier Partner.
We offer our own methodology to boost your business.

How do we do a paid campaign?

There are many ways to carry out a Paid campaign, but the key is not in the tool that we are going to use, it is in the strategy that we must carry out to achieve the objectives established together with our clients. Based on the premise of achieving the minimum cost of customer acquisition (CAC), in order to increase your profit margin we work on projects focusing on the following steps:

We understand your business:

Our job is to be profitable for our clients, for this reason, we must understand your business, understand where the margins are and how to enhance them. The key to everything is to know each other well

We know your client

We must know the target client, what are their needs and what are your pain points when making a decision. Understand the costs that it will have, to acquire your product or service. With all this and many other factors, we will be able to offer the client what they really need and want, thus achieving spectacular success rates thanks to the approach of prioritizing your future qualitative clients.Where do you want to go?

We measure to grow

We must measure all our campaigns and the actions that the client will carry out on your website or app, in order to better understand the client and thus improve and optimize the entire conversion process, from the initial attraction phase , going through the entire conversion process and ending in a fundamental part, the entire loyalty part, which will allow us to considerably increase the customer lifetime value, that is, everything that we invoice with you during the time we work together.Without measurement there is no evolution

Strategy Definition

Strategy is the key to every project, define how we are going to act and in which channels it will allow us to evolve and achieve the objectives that will be established with you. Tracing the path is the way to get faster into the destination

Execution, Optimization and Evolution Paid strategy

The key to the strategy is to maximize results, focusing in the case of e-commerces on minimizing the cost of customer Acquisition (CAC), increasing the profit margin from each sale, or in the case of service companies we will always focus on increasing the number of quality leads, lowering the cost of lead acquisition. At this stage, when we are already beginning to move with results, it is when we identify and build audiences focused on the project’s objectives, which will allow us to scale the results obtained. The path is made by walking

Why should you trust SEOCOM for your Paid campaigns?

The main reason to trust us is because our clients choose us and recommend us year after year, also at SEOCOM.Agency we are Google Premier Partner , a distinctive that only 5% of the agencies have, in addition this category is not something that an agency can select, but Google selects us based on our efforts.

We have a team of experts in paid campaigns with a long history and with many projects scaled to another level. It is your turn.

SEOCOM’s team has showed its remarkable experience when defining our SEO strategy. After more than two years of collaboration, not only do we trust them when setting our SEO goals, but also when dealing with all issues related to PPC and web analytics. SEOCOM has turned out to be an extension of our Marketing department.

Pascal FaugereEnvironmental Economist

What channels do we use in Paid's strategy?

Paid Search

Google Ads is today one of the main recruitment platforms in the market, working with advertising campaigns in the search engine, allows us a high return, since we can perfectly understand the user’s search intention.

Social Ads

Social networks allow us to have a very different segmentation from that provided by other platforms, in this way we can achieve audiences focused on our business, working with channels such as Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Tik Tok Ads …

Google Shopping

Working with Google Shopping campaigns in the search engine will allow us to access an incredible volume of potential customers interested in our products.

Display and programmatic

The idea is not to buy advertising space, the idea is to show our brand to the potential client, in the right place and at the right time, thus achieving the best possible results without tiring you with our impacts, since we only focus on potential clients.


YouTube has become a channel for generating a brand and connecting with the audience, through this channel we will be able to generate sales and affinity through advertising and the videos generated.

Amazon Marketplace

We have to reach the customer, wherever he is, and Amazon is one of the most important channels when it comes to generating conversion, for this reason we must work on advertising actions in this medium, thus achieving direct sales from the channel.

Frequently Asked Questions

This situation is normal, today there are already many who have opted for an SEM strategy, but our team of professionals will study the bases of this strategy to enhance it and scale it to another level. We are not going to eliminate everything that has already been done , we are going to improve it.

Display ads are paid for each click, usually it has a very low cost, so that we can get a lot of traffic with a relatively lower investment than other campaigns, and also, all the impressions that do not have a click do not generate cost either. Google provides an endless number of audiences to show the banners to according to their purchase intentions, their interests, the websites they browse, or even depending on whether or not they have previously interacted with your own website (remarketing audiences).

Social Ads allows you to reach almost all users in the world with the advertising format that best suits your target customers, be it image, product or video. The segmentation possibilities that social networks allow, make them perfect to focus only on those audiences related to the service or product that you want to promote . They also allow you to create remarketing audiences that, together with more conversion-focused ads, helps us work on the bottom of your funnel and meet advertising objectives.

Google Shopping, allows you to advertise your entire product catalog in the first position of the Google search engine, guiding traffic directly to the product file. It is a comparator of your products and your prices with the competitors, which forces all the e-commerce to be present in Google Shopping. The ads are activated when user searches match the title of your products, because of that, totally qualitative traffic is generated with the intention of buying to your website.

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