Amazon Marketing

Marketing in Amazon consists of positioning your products in the search results with the ultimate goal of increasing your sales within the platform. As a specialist, we achieve this goal through organic positioning (Amazon SEO), or payment campaigns (Amazon Advertising).

How do we do it?

Product analysis

We carry out a study to thoroughly know your product.

Strategy definition

As experts, we design and define the optimal strategy in a personalized way for each client.

Keyword Research

We find the keywords that users use to search your product, adding value to the project.

Analysis of the competition

We analyze which are the main competitors and the strategies they carry out.

Strategy implementation

We develop the strategy previously defined.


We optimize your campaigns and product pages, intending to increase.


We analyze the results and develop your report.


Amazon Advertising

Paid traffic on Amazon.

Amazon SEO

We increase your sales optimizing your products.

Beat your competition