Search Engine Optimization

Are you ready to GROW with SEOCOM?

Gallina Blanca, FC Barcelona, ​​Banco Mediolanum, RACE, Catalana Occidente are just some examples of companies that we work with.

Leader SEO agency in the spanish market.
More than 300 clients trust us.
We offer our own SEO methodology to boost your business.
Leader SEO agency in the spanish market.
More than 300 clients trust us.
We offer our own SEO methodology to boost your business.

Search Engine Optimization

Study the project, the sector and the competitors, define the potential of existing organic growth, set the goals to achieve and define the strategy that will allow us to achieve them. This is the starting point of every SEO project.

It is clear that the better positions in SERPs (search engine result pages) and the more keywords positioned we have (as long as they are relevant), the higher the organic traffic of the web will be.

However, the main goal must always be to increase conversions , therefore the increase in traffic is a derivative action that allows us to reach the goal.

When we talk about SERPs in most markets we refer mainly to Google since it is the search engine that monopolizes the largest number of searches in the market.

Google’s web positioning algorithm is constantly changing and evolving very quickly towards a model where search intent and interaction with users gain importance day by day, and we must not forget that we have other channels such as Youtube or Google My Business.

Keeping up to date with changes, opportunities and market trends helps us create SEO strategies that allow our clients to grow constantly and improve their sales and traffic everyday.

We don’t take only Google into account in our strategies, but we also take the user as the center of the projects and as the main reason why we must optimize a website.

Why should you trust us?

We could tell you that we are the benchmark SEO agency in the Spanish market, that we have trained through our projects many of the best SEOs in the Spanish market, or even that the returns we provide to our clients are exageratedly high. but at the end of the day, the main demonstration that we are a SEO agency to trust in is that our clients spend more time with us than with anyone else.

Currently, we have clients such as Gallina Blanca, FC Barcelona or Grupo Catalana Occidente who have been with us for more than 6 years, but we have clients who have been with us for more than 8 years, improving results year after year.

SEOCOM’s team has showed its remarkable experience when defining our SEO strategy. After more than two years of collaboration, not only do we trust them when setting our SEO goals, but also when dealing with all issues related to PPC and web analytics. SEOCOM has turned out to be an extension of our Marketing department.

Pascal FaugereEnvironmental Economist

How we do SEO​

We analyze your business

We must understand who your client is, your buyer Persona, to understand what they need, what intention they have when they search, and how they search, only then we will be able to give them what they need. The key to everything is to know each other well

We define the client’s goals

Here we establish together with our client, that will be the global goals of the project. Where do you want to go?

Correct measurement

The data is the most important, in this way we will know where we are, in order to know where we want to go. Only then will the project evolve correctly. Without measurement there is no evolution.

We define the strategy

We define how we are going to reach our Buyer Persona and what actions we are going to take to meet the defined objectives. Tracing the path is the way to get to the destination faster

SEO Audit

It is time to analyze how the project is from an SEO perpective and what actions we are going to develop at the website (SEO OnPage). These actions must be 100% aligned with the goal and strategy of the project that we have defined previously. Take two steps back to focus and obtain better results

SEO Strategy Execution

Here comes the implementation, the phase in which we bring to reality all the previously defined strategy. A correct implementation is essential to be able to achieve established objectives so that your company achieves optimal results. The path is made by walking

Download the Guidelines from Google in spanish thanks to SEOCOM​
The authentic manual from Google translated, completely free for you.​

Frequently Asked Questions

In the SEO audit process we analyze the current situation and explain what implementations must be carried out for your project to be successful. It is not a simple check list that any tool can offer you, but a complete audit focused on your business that allows your website to be prepared and optimized to achieve your goals.

The creation of the linkbuilding strategy is based on the needs and objectives of your project , managing to align business goals and results. All the actions are carried out from a strict process of analysis of the quality of portals. We identify related links to your website and we create content that adds value to the user, always pursuing two objectives: to improve the popularity of the domain and to improve the positioning of your website.

What works in one country does not necessarily work in another, and one page on your website may not attract all of its visitors globally. Our approach to International SEO focuses on improving the structure of your website and ensuring that it is optimized for search results in different countries. Having an international focus is essential to ensure that it reaches users around the world.

Content Marketing consists of creating and disseminating interesting content that influences the decision-making of the target audience and that position in search engines. The objective of this strategy is to convert, to achieve a solid and positioned brand image based on what the business wants to attract.

There is a mistaken belief that SEO does not work for physical businesses, however, it influences in a very positive way. Local SEO gives visibility to businesses and, consequently, to users finding them. When a user makes a localized search, for example: “digital marketing agency in Barcelona”, it is very likely that the agencies that appear better positioned are the ones that user visits the days after doing their search. In addition, Google considers some searches as local even though the user has not included the city in their search. To know much more, contact us.

It is the actions focused on electronic commerce. Here we can work with platforms such as Prestashop, Magento, Shopify, Woocommerce or even platforms such as IBM WebSphere Commerce or Oracle Commerce.

Many times we wonder why our website does not have all the visits we expected and the problem is the strategy we used at the beginning . We are not using keywords that our potential customers are searching for us. A study of keyword research before setting the SEO strategy to follow, can make the difference between the success or failure of a project. At SEOCOM we analyze how users in each country search based on the business of each project in order to define a structure and web content that meet expectations and thus climb in Google’s results lists.

There are situations in which for structural, technical or simply brand reasons, it is necessary to perform a web migration. After this process there are usually pages that are renamed, merged, created and deleted. It is therefore very important to plan a correct migration to avoid losses of authority and positioning that could make us lose everything we have gained until then in Google. At SEOCOM we work with a secure methodology before, during and after the migration process to guarantee a safe and efficient change to the website with which to continue climbing positions in the results lists.

One of the most important parts of SEO for large portals is the technical part. When we talk about Technical SEO, we refer to how we configure our website to help search engines read, interpret and index all the relevant pages of your portal. Information architecture, log analysis , rendering of the elements loaded by JavaScript or loading speed among others, are characteristics that we must analyze to carry out a correct technical analysis.

Sometimes, the use of bad practices on a website can end with a penalty from Google that can reduce the visibility of the project in search results. These Google penalties can be of two types: algorithmic or manual. Algorithmic penalties occur after updates or launches in the different Google algorithms. While the manuals, the strictest, are produced by the intervention of Google employees who consider that our site has violated any of the Google webmaster guidelines. That is why you have to be attentive to these types of problems, which are very common.

It is essential to work and optimally structure the site architecture to, in this way, optimize the tracking of all the pages by the search engines , to correctly rank the different sections and facilitate the understanding of all the information, both to Google and to the users. This is especially important on large sites with thousands or hundreds of thousands of URLs.

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