Are you looking for an SEO Agency to help you develop an objective-driven strategy?

At SEOCOM, we have the mandatory know-how to achieve your company’s objectives and help you establish a strategy to increase your traffic, your conversions (CRO and UX) and measure results (web analytics).

After more than 20 years of experience in the digital marketing field, we can successfully achieve a customer-centric approach, which involves her/him at every step of our process.

Contact our team to find out why we are different from other 360 agencies and how we are going to achieve a sustainable growth for your business.

SEO growth of several of our clients

SEO results for an insurance company. Real client

SEO results for a digital media company. Real client

Success Stories

Banco Mediolanum

Analytics Succes Story


ASO Success Story

Gallina Blanca

SEO Success Story


SEM Success Story

SEOCOM’s team has showed its remarkable experience when defining our SEO strategy. After more than two years of collaboration, not only do we trust them when setting our SEO goals, but also when dealing with all issues related to PPC and web analytics. SEOCOM has turned out to be an extension of our Marketing department.

Pascal FaugereMacnificos

Seocom is our partner for complex projects, maintaining the same involvment in hard times when it has been necessary to think out of the box and deliver outstanding work to achieve our results.

Joaquim CalafCEO at Contrapunto

We are delighted to be working with the SEOCOM team on our SEO strategy. They demonstrated their professionalism and meet our obectives. They really stand out by how their SEO planning is relevant for our business’ specificties.

David BaratechCo-Founder & CPO at

Clients who trust SEOCOM


Yes. With our Local SEO methodology, you can rank in local searches to attract customers, generate business, and get ahead of your competitors. We specialize in managing Local SEO business listings on platforms like Google Maps with Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business).

Yes. Although we are positioned as one of the best SEO agencies in Barcelona, we also offer SEM strategies as a service and often combine SEO and SEM for several clients to improve their businesses and profitability.

Having an SEO strategy is fundamental to achieving top positions in Google search and, generally, in search engine rankings. Our strategies always come with real KPIs such as impressions, clicks, sales, interaction events… Depending on the client, we adapt to them. Some on-page SEO strategies could include: Keyword research, WPO optimization, internal linking strategies, image optimization, email marketing. Some off-page SEO strategies could be: Backlink strategies and link baiting or improving EEAT authority.


Yes, we probably are what you’re looking for. With over 20 years of experience and the diversity of client types we have, we have a broad range of SEO strategies. No matter how niche your sector is, we can offer you a powerful strategy.

We are one of the longest-standing SEO agencies in Barcelona, and that is due to the solidity of our agency. We are a reliable agency, something that many other agencies cannot claim, having undergone numerous changes throughout their business life. The level of SEO and SEO agencies in Barcelona is very high because some of the most cutting-edge companies in Europe are located here. These companies seek SEO agencies focused 100% on growth, and SEOCOM has always been among them.

What sets us apart from other agencies is our experience with large clients, powerful brands, and, on the other hand, our expertise in niche markets such as industry, B2B sales, niche ecommerce, and many others.

Look, we specialize in SEO for companies in many sectors:

  1. SEO for tourism
  2. SEO for SaaS
  3. SEO for blogs
  4. SEO for SMEs
  5. And, of course, SEO for ecommerce

On-Page Factors

  1. Keywords
  2. Content
  3. Tags and Metadata
  4. Image Optimization
  5. URLs
  6. User Experience (UX)

Off-Page Factors

  1. Backlinks
  2. Social Media
  3. Domain Authority

Technical Factors

  1. Technical SEO
  2. Security
  3. Structured Data
  4. Indexability and Crawling


Join us to explore and grow with us, it will be a fun trip, full of learning, many adventures and together with a great human team.

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Beat your competition