PPC/SEM Agency

Let’s Talk!
We understand your business:
Our job is to be profitable for our clients, for this reason, we must understand your business, understand where the margins are and how to enhance them. The key to everything is to know each other well
We know your client
We must know the target client, what are their needs and what are your pain points when making a decision. Understand the costs that it will have, to acquire your product or service. With all this and many other factors, we will be able to offer the client what they really need and want, thus achieving spectacular success rates thanks to the approach of prioritizing your future qualitative clients.Where do you want to go?
We measure to grow
We must measure all our campaigns and the actions that the client will carry out on your website or app, in order to better understand the client and thus improve and optimize the entire conversion process, from the initial attraction phase , going through the entire conversion process and ending in a fundamental part, the entire loyalty part, which will allow us to considerably increase the customer lifetime value, that is, everything that we invoice with you during the time we work together. Without measurement there is no evolution
Strategy Definition
Strategy is the key to every project, define how we are going to act and in which channels it will allow us to evolve and achieve the objectives that will be established with you. Tracing the path is the way to get faster into the destination
Execution, Optimization and Evolution Paid strategy
The key to the strategy is to maximize results, focusing in the case of e-commerces on minimizing the cost of customer Acquisition (CAC), increasing the profit margin from each sale, or in the case of service companies we will always focus on increasing the number of quality leads, lowering the cost of lead acquisition. At this stage, when we are already beginning to move with results, it is when we identify and build audiences focused on the project’s objectives, which will allow us to scale the results obtained. The path is made by walking
Let’s Talk!
Ikea - Cliente SEOCOM
FCB  - Cliente SEOCOM
Mango  - Cliente SEOCOM
Banco Mediolanum  - Cliente SEOCOM
Sony Music  - Cliente SEOCOM
Gallina Blanca  - Cliente SEOCOM
Grupo Catalana Occidente  - Cliente SEOCOM
Simon Electric  - Cliente SEOCOM
Unilever  - Cliente SEOCOM
Race  - Cliente SEOCOM
Grupo Naturgy  - Cliente SEOCOM
Andorra Turisme  - Cliente SEOCOM

Paid acquisition campaign

This situation is normal, today there are already many who have opted for an SEM strategy, but our team of professionals will study the bases of this strategy to enhance it and scale it to another level. We are not going to eliminate everything that has already been done , we are going to improve it.