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How SEO can boost your company’s sales

How SEO can boost your company's sales

Relationship between SEO and your company’s sales

In the world of modern commerce and digital marketing, a company’s sales are not only a reflection of the quality of its products or services, but also of the set of strategies it implements to reach and communicate with its target market. 

Many factors go into the process that leads a consumer to choose one brand over another, from the company’s presence in the market to the ease with which customers can find and purchase its products. In this context, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) appears not only as a component, but as a cornerstone in the digital marketing structure that can determine the success or failure in a company’s sales.

It is crucial to understand as a first point that a company’s sales depend largely on its visibility: If they don’t see you, they don’t know you. If they don’t know you, they won’t buy from you. 

So: How do we make them know us?

In a world where most consumers start their shopping journey with an online search, being visible at the top of search results can be decisive. This is where SEO plays a fundamental role, as it improves the visibility of the company in search engines like Google. By optimizing the website and its content for relevant keywords, companies can attract more qualified traffic, that is, users who are already interested in what the company offers. This not only increases the likelihood of sales, but can also significantly improve the profitability of marketing campaigns by reducing the cost per customer acquisition.

Talking to everyone is useful, but talking to those who are looking for you is strategic.

How does the client perceive good or bad SEO?

The technical or strategic SEO aspects are points of analysis from the SEO company or agency that develops the project. However, we should not make the mistake of falling into technicalities without taking into account the user’s vision and experience. At the end of the day, all the work done is in pursuit of providing a better user experience and thus achieving a lead, a sale or a new client.

So, once the SEO improvements are finalized and implemented, how will the user perceive them? Will you notice when there is good or bad SEO implemented?

Customers generally perceive the quality of SEO through their experience searching for products or services online. Good SEO is manifested when the customer easily finds what they are looking for in the first search results, which indicates that the website is well optimized with relevant keywords and useful content. This type of visibility not only makes it easier for the user to search, but also contributes to a positive perception of the brand as a leader and trustworthy in its field.

In turn, good on-page SEO gives the user a better tour of the site, finding what they are looking for on the web intuitively thanks to a good SEO architecture, and intuitive, easy and fast navigation. 

Nothing bothers us more as users than not knowing where to find what we are looking for on a website. This is clearly bad SEO.

Bad SEO can result in a frustrating experience for the customer, who may come across a website through irrelevant search terms or that does not answer their specific questions. This can lead to the site appearing too low in search results, or the site’s content not being aligned with what the customer expected to find, increasing the likelihood that they will quickly leave the site and search for more relevant alternatives. Therefore, the effectiveness of SEO is crucial not only in driving traffic to the website, but also in building and maintaining customer trust and satisfaction.

Pages that load slowly, web tours that are difficult to follow or unintuitive, an organization and interrelation of pages that are unintuitive and difficult to follow, or articles that do not answer users’ questions, are examples of bad SEO. This results in low trust with the brand and lower sales.

SEO aspects that boost sales

Once we understand the importance of SEO and the big difference between good and bad SEO, let’s develop which SEO points are the ones that will boost your company’s sales:

  • Sales depend on the reputation and credibility of the company. In the digital age, these attributes are built and strengthened largely through quality content and a robust online presence. Through SEO, a company can position its website as an authoritative source of information and products, which is crucial to attracting and retaining customers. Content that effectively answers user questions and needs not only helps improve search engine rankings, but also establishes trust, a factor that directly influences purchasing decisions.
  • The user experience on the website is also a determining factor for sales. An SEO optimized website is, by nature, designed with a clear structure and intuitive navigation. These improvements are not only valued by search engines, but they also provide a better experience for visitors, resulting in longer time on site, lower bounce rates, and ultimately, more conversions. In other words, good SEO makes it easier for customers to find what they are looking for and complete their purchases seamlessly.
  • Adaptability to mobile devices is another critical aspect that influences sales. With a growing number of consumers using mobile devices to research and make purchases, having a website that performs well on a variety of devices is a must. SEO includes optimizing the mobile experience, ensuring the site interface is accessible and easy to use on phones and tablets, expanding reach and improving sales opportunities.
  • Keyword optimization: It is essential to perform a user search analysis to understand their problems and how they look for solutions. This is the starting point of any SEO growth strategy. The information obtained in this analysis will be applied to both the restructuring of the site, the implementation of metadata and the content strategy.
  • Local SEO: It is essential to optimize the site for local searches, including the name of the city or region in the keywords, and correctly configure Google My Business to increase local visits and sales.
  • Internal linking strategy: Another SEO aspect that will boost sales is to use a smart internal linking strategy to guide visitors through relevant information and products on the site, increasing the chances of conversion. The longer the user stays on the site, the better perception they will have of the brand and the better perception Google will have of our website.
  • Quality Backlinks: Building a network of backlinks from respected and relevant sites to improve site authority is another SEO aspect that will boost trust with both users and Google, which can boost search engine rankings and attract traffic. quality.
  • Rich Snippets and Schema Markup: Another aspect to improve on the site’s SEO that will boost sales is to implement schema markup to improve how the site’s pages are presented in search results with additional information such as ratings, prices and product availability, which can increase the visibility and attractiveness of the listings.
  • Technical performance of the site: Poor site performance, pages that do not load, 404 errors, 500 errors, and other errors are bad experiences offered to the user that decrease the user’s confidence and the possibility of making a purchase or sending a query. You can read more about these errors in the article ”Web errors | 404, 403, 503, 502, 401.. | Meaning and solutions

Recommended SEO actions to take to grow sales

Having already developed the importance of SEO and how it affects the company’s sales, and having reviewed the main points in which it affects a company’s sales, what are the steps to follow?

  • SEO Audit: The first step to carry out is an SEO audit of your company’s website to understand the situation from which you are starting. Performing a website audit to identify technical, content, and link issues includes: checking title tags, meta descriptions, URL structure, broken links, and duplication of content, in order to create an action plan to resolve problems and optimize overall site performance. In the article “What is an SEO Audit and how to carry it out in 2024” you can read more about how an SEO audit is carried out and what points are analyzed in it.
  • Keyword optimization: Research and select specific keywords that reflect the purchasing intentions of the target audience. Include these keywords strategically in titles, descriptions, content, and URLs to improve visibility in relevant searches.
  • Improving user experience (UX): Design an attractive and easy-to-navigate interface to ensure a positive user experience. Ensure the site is intuitive, with easily accessible information and a clear path to the desired action, such as making a purchase or contacting the company.
  • Mobile Optimization: Ensure that the website is fully optimized for mobile devices, as a large volume of traffic comes from these devices. This includes having a responsive design, accessible buttons, and fast loading times on mobile platforms. At this point it is important to highlight the searches that are carried out by voice. To learn more about this trend you can read the article “How to optimize content for voice search in 2024
  • Create quality content: Develop content that is informative, relevant and engaging, focused on the needs and questions of the target audience. This can include blogs, videos, infographics, and guides that not only drive traffic but also promote sales and customer loyalty.
  • Schema Markup Implementation: Use Schema Markup to help search engines understand site content and improve how it is presented in search results. This may include flagging products, reviews and events to increase visibility and clicks.
  • Link Building: Develop a high-quality link building strategy that points to the site. This involves getting links from relevant and authoritative sites that can improve the site’s authority and therefore its ranking in search results.
  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Implement A/B testing for different site elements, such as landing pages, calls to action, and page layouts, to see which versions convert best and optimize these areas to increase sales.
  • Constant monitoring and analysis: Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor traffic, user behavior and conversions. Analyze this data regularly to identify trends, adjust SEO strategy and continually improve site performance.


In conclusion, while a company’s sales depend on a multitude of factors, SEO stands out as one of the most crucial in the digital age. By improving visibility, credibility, user experience, and mobile accessibility, SEO not only drives more traffic to a company’s site, but also paves the way for converting that traffic into concrete sales. Thus, any company that aspires to grow and compete effectively in its market cannot afford to ignore the importance of SEO in its digital marketing strategy.